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Explore Nuart Aberdeen / Create your own tour

Renovation of the upper deck of the St Nicholas Centre was completed in autumn, 2015 and continues to achieve our original aim to encourage more people to use it on a regular basis, hosting events from the Jazz Festival, Celebrate Aberdeen, Bee Happy Civic Pride Awareness Day, Lunchtime Music Concerts, in association with NESCOL Music Students, as well as a full and regular programme from Bon Accord St Nicholas Centre.

Amongst a raft of improvements made to this popular lunchtime spot was the addition of attractive new seating, as well as renovation of existing benches; a children’s play area, an innovative planting scheme with the emphasis on indigenous and bird-and-insect-friendly plants; and improved lighting which all contributed to the revitalisation of the area alongside enhancing its appeal to families. A portion of the money secured from Bon Accord & St Nicholas Centre went towards the repair of paving stones in the area.

Our aim was to encourage people to make more use of the space and introduce changes to the area to breathe new life into it. The success of this project is demonstrated by the fact that The Roof Garden is now a popular destination for those seeking a short break from the city bustle, both young and old.