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Explore Nuart Aberdeen / Create your own tour

The self-proclaimed pioneer of ‘art-comedy’, Bortusk Leer’s philosophy is epitomised by his slogan: Cheer Up You Bastards. Since bursting onto the art scene in 2007 Bortusk Leer’s sole purpose has been to put a smile on people’s faces through creating brief encounters that distract us from the seriousness of life.

Before it was removed, you could find Bortusk's work on top of the roof top garden at the St Nicholas Centre.

Bortusk discovered the joy and power of trying to recreate one of his own childhood drawings and has continued to create new and even quirkier characters for the last ten years. In a world so serious he felt the need to inject colour, humour and fun into the everyday. By placing his characters on news print he also subverts the sometimes negative news were bombarded with and rewrites the existing news narratives with more palatable monsters.

For Bortusk anyone can be an artist, anyone can draw, even if it's a silly monster and art should be something everyone can enjoy. Certainly, the reaction from our younger audience indicates his work is a hit and we may have a few budding artists on our hands! You might also find some smaller paste ups dotted around but many of the ones down at the green have been removed. A few monsters also wore AFC strips, both the moderns strip and the 83/84 cup winners season strip, a great nod to the cities football legacy.