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The self-proclaimed pioneer of ‘art-comedy’, Bortusk Leer’s (UK) philosophy is epitomised by his slogan: Cheer Up You Bastards. Since bursting onto the art scene in 2007 Bortusk Leer’s sole purpose has been to put a smile on people’s faces through creating brief encounters that distract us from the seriousness of life.

Based in Amsterdam but originally from the UK, Bortusk Leer’s brightly coloured paintings and paste-ups have appeared on streets around the world. His playful neon monsters occupy walls, windows, doors and electricity boxes wherever he can find them – waiting patiently to surprise the next unsuspecting member of the public.

Instagram @bortuskleer

Louise Kendal Bortusk7


Bortusk Leer (2018)

Bortusk Leer (2018)