Secondary linked heading

The secondary header above is an h2 element, which may be used for any form of important page-level header. More than one may be used per page. Consider using an h2 unless you need a header level of less importance, or as a sub-header to an existing h2 element.

Tertiary linked heading

The header above is an h3 element, which may be used for any form of page-level header which falls below the h2 header in a document hierarchy.

Quarterary linked heading

The header above is an h4 element, which may be used for any form of page-level header which falls below the h3 header in a document hierarchy.

Quinary linked heading

The header above is an h5 element, which may be used for any form of page-level header which falls below the h4 header in a document hierarchy.

Quote or statement. Nuart Aberdeen is supported by presenting partners Burness Paull and Aberdeen Standard Investments alongside a growing community of independent local partners and suppliers.
Senary linked heading

The header above is an h6 element, which may be used for any form of page-level header which falls below the h5 header in a document hierarchy.

Normal images

Small images will sit inline with text content, and have no visible caption. You will still need to provide meaningful alt text, for good accessibility and SEO.