Victoria Mutch, owner of Style For Your Shape, and Rosemary Michie, of Country Ways and Charles Michies, are champions of Shop Aberdeen. Image - Aberdeen Inspired
A special Shop Aberdeen weekend – with unique offers and discounts – aims to boost “bricks and mortar” traders and encourage people from across the north-east back into the city centre later this month.
The Aberdeen Inspired campaign, running from Thursday, October 24, to Sunday, October 27, has already seen more than 20 shops and businesses sign up – ranging from fashion and beauty to household and health - offering bargains and even special events to welcome customers in.
And the Business Improvement District is inviting even more traders to join the Shop Aberdeen weekend drive as a crucial part of regenerating the city centre and giving businesses a much-needed boost in these tough times.
Adrian Watson, chief executive of Aberdeen Inspired, said: “Our city centre has been beset by so many storms in recent months and weeks, but the best way to weather even the worst of the weather is for everyone to pull together – and that is the whole idea of Shop Aberdeen.
“It gives businesses and ordinary people from across the north-east the chance to celebrate and enjoy the city’s exceptional retail offering, pick up some unique bargains, all while helping bring some vibrancy to the heart of the Granite City.”
“Aberdeen is still very much the regional retail capital, with an offering second to none north of the Central Belt”

Kate Timperley, project manager with Aberdeen Inspired, is urging people to rediscover the joy of shopping with Shop Aberdeen. Image - Aberdeen Inspired
Adrian said he was delighted to see so many businesses showing a united front to drive home the message that the heart of Aberdeen has a feast of shops, many of them unique small traders, that have so much to offer.
Victoria Mutch, owner of Style For Your Shape, on Schoolhill, is championing Shop Aberdeen.
She said: “Shop Aberdeen will showcase what Aberdeen High Street has to offer. In a challenging environment, local businesses are striving to provide a fantastic service and product to entice shoppers to buy local. This initiative is a great chance for the public to discover new shops or to visit the household names that have served Aberdeen for decades.
“There are lots of offers from the retailers and I'm proud to say that Style for your Shape will be participating with a fantastic discount across the weekend and a special shopping evening on the Friday. I’m looking forward to sharing what Aberdeen has to offer.”
Rosemary Michie, of Country Ways and Charles Michies, is also a keen ambassador for Shop Aberdeen.
She said: “I’m delighted that Aberdeen Inspired are supporting this new initiative to help shine a spotlight on the retail offering in the city centre. There are some great stores in the city centre, it’s just that people don’t always know about them!
“Using the now-established and successful Aberdeen Restaurant Weeks as inspiration, I’ve no doubt this event will become a regular in the diary too.”

Discounts, gifts and events will be part of Shop Aberdeen.
Aberdeen Restaurant Weeks – also staged by Aberdeen Inspired – has proved beyond doubt a special event will bring people into the city centre and boost businesses.
Kate Timperley, project manager with Aberdeen Inspired, hopes the first Shop Aberdeen will do the same.
“It is a reminder that there is no substitute for walking through the door of a business, looking around at what they have to offer and picking up everything from the things you need and want to the hidden gems you hadn’t even realised would be special to you,” she said.
“Shop Aberdeen aims to help people rediscover the joy of shopping in person, while helping local traders and businesses to not only survive, but thrive and prosper.”
Meanwhile, Adrian Watson emphasised the people of Aberdeen and the further north-east have a crucial role to play, too.
“We know people have a real desire to see Aberdeen city centre be the best it can be – and that includes those living across the shire who see this as their regional city.
Victoria Mutch, owner of Style For Your Shape, and Rosemary Michie, of Country Ways and Charles Michies,say Shop Aberdeen will put city retailers in the spotlight. Image - Aberdeen Inspired
“To have that desire become a reality it takes people making the effort to actually come into the city centre from far and wide to see and rediscover what it has to offer – not least the shopping experience.
“That is why we have launched this special weekend – the first of what we hope will be many celebrations of our retail sector. I would urge everyone, from businesses to the public, to join in and Shop Aberdeen.”
Aberdeen Inspired will soon announce the full list of venues taking part in Shop Aberdeen as well as the bargains and events they will be offering.
If you are a business and want to be part of Shop Aberdeen you can sign up here.