If yir in need of an injection of civic pride, then get yersel alang tae the Aberdeen Student Show far ab’dy fae the Don to the Dee, posers, minks, teuchters, toonsers and chavs are affa welcome.
Mounthoolin Rouge is the story of Aberdeen’s answer to the Moulin Rouge (minus the windmill) in this latest and very welcome outing of the Granite City institution that is the student show.
Located in the middle of the Mounthooly roundabout, the struggling night club is set to be shut doon by the Cooncil because the material used to refurbish it is in fact the property of the Christmas Village and the Cooncil want it back!
The cast boasts 30 quines and loons from all three of the city’s further education places and there is nae a gype amongst them as the knockabout, fun yarn unfurls.
Every one of them lights up the stage, to the point it’s almost nae fair to single folk oot.
But I hiv to mention Logan McKerron who plays Harold Seaguller, the host of Mounthoolin Rouge, whose flamboyant stage presence is akin to many a performance I’ve seen of a Cabaret Emcee.
Also, a wee mention to newbie Benjamin Gibbs who plays Ken May with energy and charisma you’ll want to see fur yersel!
Packed full Doric and topical jokes that take the mickey out of all the big issues the city is facing (think bus gates, LEZ’s, Union Terrace Gardens to name just a few) the script is as sharp as thorn on a Cocker’s Rose.
The script writing team of Alison Sandison and Dan Greavey must be delighted with the standing ovation the show got from the sold out house last night.
All this, plus fabulous musical tunes, a set that cleverly transports you from the Rouge down George Street- suspended illuminated sign and all - to the Art Gallery and back with stops along the way at many a local sight which are brilliantly incorporated into the song lyrics.
The show ends with a superb number called “Aiberdeen How I Love You, You are My Heart My Hame” and I left buzzing and fair chuffed to be able to call Aiberdeen ma hame.
Dinnae mss this belter of a show which raises so much money for local charities and superbly showcases the young talent that this city is home to.
Find more information and tickets for Mounthoolin Rouge here.
Review by Shona Byrne